Receiving Evil from God: Christ & COVID-19

You cannot read the Bible at face value and come away with the ideas that God has nothing to do with the current epidemic coursing through the world or that He never has anything at all to do with the difficulties that come into our lives. Only a Bible read through dense, thick lenses of wishful thinking and insistence on our own definitions of love and goodness can be made to reach that conclusion.

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All Things New

Many Christians in our modern day either fail to see or refuse to believe the statements the Bible makes about the eternal state of God’s chosen people, concluding instead that it is the children of God’s responsibility to win the world, issue in the kingdom and set the stage for the return of Christ.

If the Great Commission includes an implicit directive to fix the world, then political notions of utopia fit in rather nicely.

But the Bible points us in another direction: one of present allegiance to a heavenly kingdom and of future hope in God’s rebuilding of the world.

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Man of War

In a society consumed with naïve notions of peace, unity, and tolerance, the idea of any Christian filling the role of a man of war seems to many to be backwards, archaic, or even sinful. Verses about peacemaking and loving one’s enemies are used as proof texts against such an attitude and militaristic metaphors are criticized within the ranks of safe, comfortable church goers and their academic leadership.

But the Bible knows better.

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