The Repentance of Rudolf Höss
Wisdom sometimes flows from the most unexpected sources and the grace of God reaches the most unimaginable depths.
Read MoreWisdom sometimes flows from the most unexpected sources and the grace of God reaches the most unimaginable depths.
Read MoreWe fancy ourselves experts. A few of us actually are. But it occurs to me that the more you truly know, regardless of the field, the more you realize how little you actually know. True knowledge is accompanied by humility and humility prevents a person from getting out over their skis when it comes to things they can’t possibly know.
Like the future.
Read MoreThis is the irresolvable tension an honest reading of the Bible requires you to hold: God is absolutely sovereign, man is absolutely responsible.
Read MoreThere is a notable catch with intelligence that ought to make each and every believer hesitate before uncritically imbibing whatever some smart Christian serves up to them.
Read MoreThe prophecies matter to God, that’s why He declared them, had them recorded and has had them preserved all this time. Yes, there is room for disagreement. No, your salvation does not depend on you fully understanding or knowing all there is to know about them.
But that doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.
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