Modern Day Syncretism
Jesus said, “If I have told you earthly things, and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you of heavenly things?” in John 3:12.
We would all do well to seriously consider His question.
Read MoreJesus said, “If I have told you earthly things, and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you of heavenly things?” in John 3:12.
We would all do well to seriously consider His question.
Read MoreCulture and society are not static or neutral forces. They are gravitational and heavy, like the flow of a rushing river or the pull of a tractor beam. They must be actively pushed against in order to be resisted; to be neutral is to be conformed.
Read MoreJesus and His apostles demonstrated a reverence and regard for the authority of the Scriptures that many within Christianity today reject.
Read MoreTo know truth and to be set free by it, we must be willing to receive it from the right source: the Word of God. The implication is, of course, that only those who fully devote themselves to Christ and His Word will ever find the freedom that truth grants.
Read MoreHe cared for the poor and downtrodden. But He cared for them as individuals in need of solutions to their individual problems, not as avatars of whatever identity group they happened to belong to. As humans, we possess the universal need for a savior. All have sinned. But our individual circumstances, lifestyles, and problems are unique. So, Christ stands as both the mediator of all repentant people and the Lord of our individual lives.
We are more than the sum of our modern socio-political categories. No one knows that more than Jesus.